lesson دراستي - Lesson 6: The atmosphere was really peaceful

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 6: The atmosphere was really peaceful



A. Scan the text on page 49 of the Student’s Book to find the answers to these questions.

1. Where did Anna and her cousin go on holiday?
Kerkennah Islands.

2. How long did they stay?
two weeks او a fortnight.

3. How much did it cost?

4. What was the name of the nearest airport to the islands?

5.What sports facilities were there at the hotel?
swimming pool, tennis courts.

6. What was the local seafood specialty?

7. Where di they go by taxi?
on a tour of the island.

B. Read the text carefully and answer these questions.

1. What did the cost of the holiday include?
Flight/accommodation/transfers/breakfast and dinner/entertainment.

2. How far from the beach was the hotel?
Very close او a short walk.

3. What did Anna really like about the hotel?
the peaceful atmosphere.

4. Name three activities Anna and her cousin did during the day.
they went to the Roman theatre, they went on a donkey cart ride, they toured the island in a taxi, they went for a camel ride, they learnt to windsurf.

5. What did they do when they didn’t go out in the evening?
They watched the free entertainment at the hotel.

C. Find words in the text that mean the following:

  1. a boat that transports people and goods → ferry
  2. extremely comfortable → luxurious
  3. something which is wonderful to look at → spectacular
  4. something special to a locality → specialty
  5. a fine welcome → hospitality
  6. a show/performance → Display


  1. ferry → a boat that transports people and goods.
  2. spectacular → something which is wonderful to look at.
  3. hospitality → a fine welcome.
  4. specialty → something special to a locality.
  5. luxurious → extremely comfortable.

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
