lesson دراستي - Lesson 4: Most smokers take it up as teenagers

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 4: Most smokers take it up as teenagers



A. Write questions based on the text for the following answers. There are several possible questions you could write, but just write one each time.

Q: In which age group is smoking highest?

A: It’s highest in the 20-24 age group.

Q: At what age is it legal to sell cigarettes?

A: At 18.

Q: When do most people start smoking?

A: When they are teenagers.

Q: How much earlier earlier do smokers die than non-smokers?

A: They die seven years earlier on average.

Q: How many people under the age of 16 start smoking every year?

A: Around 450 a year.

Q: How much does the British Government spend a year on anti-smoking education campaigns?

A: Around £30 million a year.

B. Write the sentences, putting the verbs and objects in the correct order. Where two answers are possible, write them both.

1. Can you / turn on / the television?

Can you turn on the television? Can you turn the television on?

2. I’ve already / turned on / it.

I’ve already turned it on.

3. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it.

You should give it up.

4. When did you / take up / stamp-collecting?

When did you take up stamp-collecting?

5. I can’t remember when I / took up / it.

I can’t remember when I took it up.

6. I like these shoes. Can I / try on / them?

Can I try them on?

7. Can you / turn down / the music?

Can you turn down the music?

8. I’ll / turn down / it / in a minute?

I’ll turn it down in a minute.


Put in the correct order.

1. I like these shoes. Can I (try / on / them)?

I like these shoes. Can I try them on?

2. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take)?

Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you take it up?

3. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it.

Smoking is terrible. You should give it up.

4. I can’t remember when I / took up / it.

I can’t remember when I took it up.

5. Most smokers (take up / it) as teenagers.

Most teenagers take it up as teenagers.

6. These trousers were too long so (I / took up / them) to make them fit.

These trousers were too long so I took them up to make them fit.

7. I’ve already / turned down / it.

I’ve already turned it down.

8. This pencil is really old. You can / throw away / it.

This pencil is really old. You can throw it away.

9. I’ll turn down / it / in a minute.

I’ll turn it down in a minute.

10. Can you / turn down / it?

Can you turn it down?

البادئات (ما يضاف في أول الكلمة) Prefixes

نستخدم un, im, in, il, ir قبل الصفات لكي نجعلها متضادات (معاكسات):

  1. تأتي un قبل أي حرف. unhappy, unpopular
  2. تأتي im قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف m او p فقط. impossible, immortal
  3. تأتي il قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف l فقط. illegal, illogical
  4. تأتي ir قبل صفة تبدأ بحرف r فقط. irresponsible
  5. كما يمكننا إضافة in قبل معظم الحروف. inexpensive


Write the missing words.

  1. like, dislike; legal, illegal.
  2. polite, impolite; popular, unpopular.
  3. fair, unfair; patient, impatient.
  4. approve, disapprove; fortunate, unfortunate.
  5. direct, indirect; polite, impolite.
  6. happy, unhappy; correct, incorrect.
  7. healthy, unhealthy; moral, immoral.
  8. polite, impolite; conscious, unconscious.
  9. polite, impolite; expensive, inexpensive.
  10. happy, unhappy; efficient, inefficient.
  11. legal, illegal; moral, immoral.
  12. correct, incorrect; happy, unhappy.
  13. fair, unfair, convenient; inconvenient.
  14. healthy, unhealthy; polite, impolite.
  15. healthy, unhealthy; usual, unusual.
  16. The opposite of correct is incorrect.
  17. polite, impolite; efficient, inefficient.
  18. healthy, unhealthy; legal, illegal.
  19. happy, unhappy; legal, illegal.
  20. polite, impolite; dependent, independent.
  21. fair, unfair; moral, immoral.
  22. usual, unusual; patient, impatient.
  23. usual, unusual; pleasant, unpleasant.
  24. usual, unusual; happy, unhappy.
  25. correct, incorrect; polite, impolite.
  26. fair, unfair; pleasant, unpleasant.
  27. usual, unusual; healthy, unhealthy.
  28. happy, unhappy; possible, impossible.
  29. fair, unfair; intelligent, unintelligent.

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
