lesson دراستي - Revision

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل


A. Unscramble the names of five places from the unit and match them with the pictures.

  1. heT reGat yramipd The great pyramid
  2. tehonnegeS Stonehenge
  3. Teh oCloraod ivrRe The Colorado River
  4. ianHgng aGrndse Hanging Gardens
  5. heT ahipsS pests The Spanish steps

B. Write sentences about what John has been doing. Use a word from each box.

words b

  • John has been studying English for two hours.
  • John has been swimming in the sea.
  • John has been reading a book in Arabic for two hours.
  • John has been snowboarding in France.
  • John has been has been waiting for two hours.

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
