lesson دراستي - Lesson 3

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل

Lesson 3

A. Work in groups of three. Read the paragraph your teacher tells you, then complete the table for your method of transport. Ask the other students in your group questions to complete the table.

student A

student b

student c

Star Princes Airbus A380 Shinkansen Name
American European Japanese Nationality
2.700 passengers and 1.100 crew 555 passengers 360.000 passengers per day Passengers hold
40 Km/h 945 Km/h 300 Km/h Speed
9 restaurants, 5 swimming pools, internet cafe, library and art gallery gym inside Engine is a special shape Special features

B. Listen and read the conversations, then read the definition and write the words.

  1. The place where people get on and off a train. Plateforme.
  2. The total number of bags the woman can take on the plane. two bag limits.
  3. When the plane stops for on hour in between two places. One hour stopper.
  4. A journey that takes five hours. Five-hour journey.
  5. The place where passengers get on a plane. Gete.
  6. A ticket to go to a place and come back. Return ticket.

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
