lesson دراستي - Lesson 10: A wolf in the forest

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Lesson 10: A wolf in the forest

Lesson 10 (SB) P: 52 (A wolf in the forest)

(ذئب في الغابة) ص 52. كتاب الطالب.


A wolf in the forest.

أسئلة وأجوبة قطعة (ذئب في الغابة) مهم جداً:

1. What is the nationality of John Harper? ماهي جنسية جون هاربر

- He is a Canadian. كندي الجنسية

2. What happened to the plane? ماذا حصل للطائرة

- The engine stopped. توقف المحرك

3. Where did the plane landed? أين هبطت الطائرة

- The plane landed in the forest between the trees. هبطت الطائرة بين الاشجار في الغابة

4. Who helped them? من ساعدهم

- A wolf. الذئب

Lesson 10 (AB) P: 82 – 85

تمرين (A) ص 82. أي الكلمات تأتي مع بعض؟ اختر الكلمات الصحيحة من الصندوق واكتبهم بالفراغات التالية:

A. Which words go together? Choose the correct words from the box and write them in the spaces below.

A wolf in the forest2

  1. photographs camera 2. plane airport
  2. advertise magazine 4. boat lake
  3. holiday postcard 6.sit kneel

تمرين(B) ص 82. املأ شجرة الكلمات:

B. Fill in this word tree.

  1. The oppesite of 'hot'. cold
  2. It's between 2 and 4. three
  3. Smaller than a city, bigger than a village. town
  4. The fourth month of the year. April
  5. When you use a question, you... ask
  6. The opposite of 'start'. stop
  7. They live in the sea. fish
  8. You're in it now. school
  9. Yes. I agree. ok
  10. It gives us light and heat. sun

تمرين (C) ص 82. ضع دائرة حول الكلمة الغريبة:

C. Find the odd one out. Circle the word.

A wolf in the forest3

تمرين(D) ص 83. أكمل الجمل التالية من الكلمات التي في الصندوق:

D. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

A wolf in the forest4

  1. We meet people coming off a plane in the arrivals hall.
  2. Some Japanese women wear a traditional Japanese dress called a kimono.
  3. If somebody is a bit fat, it is nicer to say he is plump.
  4. People eat with chopstiks in Japan.
  5. A postcard usually has a picture and a stamp on it.
  6. My uncle is my father's or my mother's brother.

تمرين(E) ص 83. اربط الجمل التالية باستخدام أحد كلمات الربط، ربما قد تحذف بعض الكلمات من نهاية الجملة:

E. Join these sentences together using suitable link words or phrases. You may have to leave out some words in the second sentences.

1. I'd like to go to the football match. I'm too tired.

I'd like to go to the football match, but I'm too tired.

2. Rashid was very happy. He found a pen-friend in France.

Rashid was very happy because he found a pen-friend in France.

3. Vegetarians eat rice and fish. They eat eggs, fruit and vegetables too.

Vegetarians eat rice and fish as well as eggs, fruit and vegetables too.

4. She won't talk to me. She won't phone me.

She won't talk to me or phone me.

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