lesson دراستي - Lesson 2

حلول أسئلة الصف الأول المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 (AB) P: 70 – 72

تمرين (A) ص 70. انظر إلى رسالة يوكي في كتاب الطالب ص 44 مجدداً، جد الجمل التي يوجد فيها أدوات ربط الجمل وأكتب الجمل:

A. Look at Yuki's letter on page 44 again. Find sentences with the following link words and phrases. Write the sentences.

Lesson 2

  • I'm a Japanese boy and I'm thirteen years old.
  • Japan is not very big, but it is very beautiful.
  • Japan is very green because it rains a lot in summer.
  • You can go to baseball match or learn to do judo.
  • There are a number of large cities as wel as small twons and villages.

تمرين (B) ص 70. استخدم كلمات الربط لتكمل الجمل التالية:

B. Use the linking words and phrases to complete the sentences below.

  1. Use but to link two ideas of different kinds.
  2. Use because to give a reason for something.
  3. Use or when you can choose between two things.
  4. Use and to link two ideas of the same kind.
  5. Use as well as to include extra choices in a list.

تمرين (C) ص 70 – 71. اربط الجمل التالية باستخدام أدوات الربط:

C. Now complete these sentences. Use each of the five link words or expressions once only.

1. The car won't start. There isn't any petrol in it.

The car won't start because there isn't any petrol in it.

2. I bought a watch for Nadia. I bought a sweater for Amna.

I bought a watch for Nadia and a sweater for Amna.

3. There are birds and insects in the zoo. There are also large animals like tigers, lions and elephants.

There are birds and insects in the zoo as well as large animals like tigers, lions and elephants.

4. Youssef bought a CD player, it didn't work.

Youssef bought a CD player, but it didn't work.

5. Do you like the red shirt? Do you like the blue one better?

Do you like the red shirt or the blue one better?

تمرين (D) ص 71. حول الدول التالية إلى جنسيات:

D. Make nationalities.

-ish -ian, -an, -n -i
England- English Canada- Canadian Iraq- Iraqi
Spain- Spanish Italy- Italian Bahrain- Bahraini
Ireland- Irish India- Indian Oman- Omani
Turkey- Turkish Palestine- Palestinian Yemen- Yemeni
Sweden- Swedish America- American Pakistan- Pakistani
Scotland- Scottish Germany- German Qatar- Qatari

حلول أسئلة الصف الأول المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
