lesson دراستي - Lesson 10: Khalid and the key

حلول أسئلة الصف الأول المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 10: Khalid and the key

Lesson 10 (SB) P: 29 (Khalid and the key)

(خالد والمفتاح) ص29. كتاب الطالب.



Lesson 10 (AB) P: 42 – 45

تمرين (B) ص42. إقرأ الجمل وأختر الكلمة الصحيحة:

B. Read the sentences and tick the correct words.

  1. Can you tell me the way / weight to the park?
  2. The zebra ate / eight the leaves on the tree.
  3. Aziz rode / road on an elephant at the zoo.
  4. Sameera lend / lent me a book to read.

تمرين (D) ص42. اكتب هذه الجمل بالشكل الصحيح:

C. Write these sentences correctly.

1. can you come and play at my house tonight

Can you come and play at my house tonight?

2. noora has gone to america on an aeroplane

Noora has gone to America on an aeroplane.

3. faten and rana bought some oranges pineapples and bananas in the market

Faten and Rana bought some oranges, pineapples and bananas in the market.

تمرين (F) ص43. إقرأ الجمل وأختر الكلمات الصحيحة:

F. Read the sentences and tick the correct words.

  1. 'Have you washed / watched your hands today, Len? asked Mr Archer.
  2. The wolf walked very quickly / quietly and the sheep did not hear him.
  3. Len did his homework very badly / sadly and had to do it again.
  4. 'Oh no,' said Jassim. 'I haven't bought / brought the ball back from the park.'

تمرين (G) ص43. إقرأ وأكمل الجمل، استخدم التصريف الثالث للأفعال التي بين الأقواس:

G. Read and complete the sentences. Use the past participles of the verbs in the box.

words g

  1. Len is not hungry because he has eaten three burgers.
  2. Mrs Archer is very happy because Len has given her some flowers.
  3. I'm sorry. Gwen and Len aren't in. They have gone shopping.
  4. 'Have you seen my book?' asked Mr Archer. 'I can't find it.'
  5. 'I think Gwen has taken it to her room,' said Mrs Archer.
  6. 'No more tea, thank you,' said Mrs Archer. 'I've drunk three cups this morning.'

تمرين (H) ص 44. غير الكلمات التي بين الأقواس إلى ظروف:

H. Change the words in brackets into adverbs.

  1. Jassim ran to school very (fast) fast because he was late.
  2. 'I can do this test (easy) easily,' said Ahmed. 'It's not difficult.'
  3. 'You can speak English very (good) well, Huda,' said the teacher. 'Good girl.'
  4. 'Listen to the CD (careful) carefully,' said the teacher. 'And answer the questions.'
  5. 'Please can I have a glass of water,' Rashid asked (polite) politely. I'm thirsty.
  6. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students were playing (happy) happily.
  7. 'Be quiet, boys! said the teacher (angry) angrily. 'You're the noisiest class in the school.'

حلول أسئلة الصف الأول المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
