lesson دراستي - Lesson 5: what's the matter

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Lesson 5: what's the matter

Lesson 5 (SB) P: 23 (What’s the matter?)

(ما الأمر؟) ص 23. كتاب الطالب.


What's the matter

Lesson 5 (AB) P: 33 – 35

تمرين (A)ص 33. انظر إلى كتاب الطالب ص 23, جد الأفعال وأكمل الجدول التالي:

A. Look at page 23 of your Student's Book. Find the verbs and complete the table.

verb- past participle verb- past participle

buy bought

read read

forgot forgotten

give given

go gone

eat eaten

drink drunk

take taken

تمرين (B) ص 33. أجب عن الأسئلة التالية عن الأشخاص في كتاب الطالب ص 23:

B. Now complete these questions and answers about the people on page 23.

1. Has Ahmed gone to the park?

No, he hasn't. He has gone to the each.

2. Has Tamara forgotten her pen?

No, She hasn't. She has forgotten her English books.

3. Why is Zeena excited?

Because her father has bought her a new computer.

4. Why is Salman frightened?

Because he has read a ghost story.

تمرين (C) ص 34. جد 11 كلمة توصف الشعور إقرأ من اليسار إلى اليمين ومن الأعلى إلى الأسفل:

c. Find 11 words to describe feelings. Read from left to right and from top to bottom.

What's the matter2

Write the words here.

sad/ sick/ frightened/ happy/ excited/ great

angry/ hungry/ thirsty/ upset/ tired

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