تسجيل الدخول
الصفحة الرئيسية
محفظة الأسئلة
الصفوف الدراسية
بنك الأسئلة
عن دراستي
الاتصال بنا
Test B
You are going to read two articles from anewspaper. Write three things should you do first? Complete the sentences to show you know.
Look at the three things from Exercise A in the newspaper articles. Then put the words and phrases in the box under the right heading.
Read the first article on page 105 and answer these questions.
Read the article again. Think carefully and answer these questions.
Read the second newspaper article on page 105. Write short answers to each of the questions.
Read the article again. Write a letter in the box to match the questions to the answers.
تم حفظ السؤال في محفظة الأسئلة
لايمكن حفظ السؤال لانه خارج الصف المحدد من قبلكم
تم حفظ السؤال في محفظة الأسئلة
لايمكن حفظ السؤال لانه خارج الصف المحدد من قبلكم