حلول الأسئلة
Read the second newspaper article on page 105. Write short answers to each of the questions.
1. Where did this happen?
At the shopping mall.
2. When did it start?
At 4:15 p.m.
3. Who was Reem with?
With her mother and father and her two sisters.
4. Who called the police?
The security guards.
5. Who found Reem?
Policewoman Amna Ibrahim.
6. Where was Reem found?
In a large cleaning cupboard.
7. Where was Reem last night?
With her family at home.
مشاركة الحل
Test B
Test B- Reading
انت ستقرأ مقالتين من صحيفة. ما هي الأشياء الثلاثة التي عليك فعلها اولاً؟ أكمل الجمل لتظهر أنك تعرف.
A. You are going to read two articles from anewspaper. Write three things should you do first? Complete the sentences to show you know.
- Look at the picture.
- Look at the headline.
- Look at the topic sentences.
أنظر الأشياء الثلاثة من تمرين (A) في مقالات الصحفية. ثم ضع الكلمات والعبارات في الصندوق تحت العنوان الصحيح.
B. Look at the three things from Exercise A in the newspaper articles. Then put the words and phrases in the box under the right heading.
Newspaper article 2 | Newspaper article 1 |
a little girl, missing, police, security guard | airport, television studio, sports, star, stadium, lunch |
إقرأ المقالة الأولى على صفحة 501 ثم أجب عن هذه الأسئلة.
C. Read the first article on page 105 and answer these questions.
1. When did Wissam Taha arrive in Cairo?
He arrived yesterday.
2. What three places did he visit?
a) television studio
b) offices of Egyptian Football association
c) main football stadium
3. When did he leave?
He left in the evening.
إقرأ المقالة مرة أخرى. فكر بعناية ثم أجب عن هذه الأسئلة.
D. Read the article again. Think carefully and answer these questions.
1. Where does Hussan Mustafa work?
He works at the Daily Arab News.
2. Is Al-Kahraba an Egyptian club?
No, because Wissam Taha flew into Cairo and took a plane to Iraq.
3. How long did Wissam stay in Cairo?
He stayed one day.
4. Who did he teach at the stadium?
He taught football skills to young footballers.
5. How did he leave Egypt?
He left by a plane.
إقرأ المقالة الصحفية الثانية على صفحة 501. أكتب إجابات قصيرة إلى كل سؤال.
E. Read the second newspaper article on page 105. Write short answers to each of the questions.
1. Where did this happen?
At the shopping mall.
2. When did it start?
At 4:15 p.m.
3. Who was Reem with?
With her mother and father and her two sisters.
4. Who called the police?
The security guards.
5. Who found Reem?
Policewoman Amna Ibrahim.
6. Where was Reem found?
In a large cleaning cupboard.
7. Where was Reem last night?
With her family at home.
إقرأ المقالة مرة أخرى، أكتب رسالة في الصندوق ثم صل الأسئلة إلى الإجابات.
F. Read the article again. Write a letter in the box to match the questions to the answers.
- Why did the guards put out a message? c
- Why wasn't Salim worried? a
- Why did the guards call the police? g
- Why did the policewoman try to open the cupboard? d
- Why didn't the policewoman open the cupboard? b
- Why did Reem go into the cupboard? e
- Why didn't she come out of the cupboard? f