lesson دراستي - Lesson 1: Our natural resources

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Lesson 1: Our natural resources



A. Match these words from the text on page 74 of the Student’s Book with their definitions.

  1. efficiently
  2. essential
  3. logging
  4. wisely

B. Read the texts again and answer the questions.

1. Why are natural resources essential to human life?
Because we use them for many things, such as food, water and energy.

2. What is the difference between a renewable and a nonrenewable resource?
Renewable resources don’t disappear when they are used. Nonrenewable resources will eventually disappear.

3. Find two examples of a renewable resource in the text and one example of a nonrenewable resource.

4. How do greenhouse gases harm the environment?

5. What is deforestation? How does the text say that deforestation harms the environment?


prefixes and suffixes

مثال معناه لاصق بداية الكلمة
antipollution مضاد anti
bicycle اثنان bi
coworker سوية co
defrost يقلل / يحذف / يلغي de
ecosystem بيئة eco
international بين inter
microscope صغير جدا micro
reread مرة أخرى re
television لمسافة tele
transcontinental عبر trans
مثال معناه لاصق نهاية الكلمة
renewable قادر على able
environmental متعلق ب al
celebration فعل / عملية ation
wooden مصنوع من en
harmful مليء ب ful
scientist شخص يقوم ب ist
heartless بدون less
quietly بهذه الطريقة ly
geology علم ال ology
craftsmanship مهارة ship

C. Guess the meanings of the following words.

  • deoxygenation removing oxygen from something.
  • depopulation reducing the population of an area.
  • devaluation reducing the value of something.

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