lesson دراستي - Lesson 4: Applying for a job

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 4: Applying for a job



A. Read the advert on page 19 of the Student’s Book and answer these vocabulary questions.

1. Rewrite the following words and phrases without the abbreviations)

a) Office bldgs. Office buildings.
b) 18 yrs. 18 years.
c) Spk. Engl. And Arab. speak English and Arabic.
d) avail. At w-e. available at weekends.
e) driving lic. driving license.

2. Find abbreviations in the advert which mean:

a) company co.
b) computer comp.
c) appointment appt.
d) experience exp.
e) Frequent freq.

B. Read the advert again and answer the questions about the job.

1. What kind of personality should you have to do this job? Why?
You should be friendly because you will have frequent contact with the public.
2. What do you need to be able to do to get this job?
You need to be able to work weekends/use a computer/drive a car.
3. Do you need to have worked as a security guard before to get this job?

D. Read the extracts from the conversation and underline the best alternative.

  1. Could I speak to / I want to talk to Mr Hazem?
  2. Will / May I ask who’s calling?
  3. This / That is Samir Esam.
  4. Just a moment / Just wait, please.
  5. Good morning. Is that / Are you Mr Hazem?
  6. I’m calling about / because your advert in yesterday’s paper.
  7. All right then, would / do you like to come in for an appointment?
  8. Yes, I would. What is a good time / When do I come?


Write the missing words.

  1. computer, comp.; experience, exp.
  2. appt, appointment; co, company.
  3. ex, experience; yrs, years.
  4. appt, appointment; exp, experience.
  5. freq, frequent; comp, computer.
  6. The abbreviation of computer is comp.
  7. company, co.; years, yrs.
  8. 18 years, 18 yrs; driving licence, driving lic.
  9. years, yrs.; buildings, bldgs.
  10. exp, experience; avail, available
  11. freq, frequent; driving lic., driving licence.
  12. computer, comp; 18 years, 18 yrs.
  13. computer, comp.; appointment, appt.
  14. Comp. is the abbreviation of computer.
  15. 18 yrs., 18 years; office bldgs., office buildings.
  16. co, company; comp., computer.
  17. driving lic, licence; office bldgs., buildings.
  18. appt., appointment; freq., frequent.
  19. company, co; frequent, freq.
  20. co, company; appt, appointment.
  21. yrs, years; freq, frequent.
  22. years, yrs; frequent, freq.
  23. frequent, freq; company, co.
  24. driving lic, driving licence; avail. at w-e, available at weekends.
  25. co., company; freq., frequent.
  26. computer, comp; frequent, freq.

حلول أسئلة الصف السادس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
