للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
A. Match the beginnings with the endings of the sentences to learn how to revise for a test.
- If you revise a little bit every day, h
- If you use the round up page, e
- It will be more fun. d
- If you read your learning diary, f
- Don't wait until the last minute to ask your teacher for help. g
- If you try to use some of the words in your vocabulary notebook every day, c
- If you revise the night before an exam. a
- You will do much better. b
B. Match the beginnings and endings to make words from the unit.
C. Match the words in Exercise B with their definitions.
- a place where petroleum is processed. Refinery
- The circle a satellite makes around a planet. Oribit
- a person who studies the Earth. Geologist
- A dangerous storm. Hurricane
- Something that is built over a petroleum well. Derrick
- to put a satellite into space. Launch
- a bird's mouth. Beak
- something that revolves around a planet. Satellite
- a ship for carrying petroleum or gas. Tanker
- software in your computer that holds information. Memory
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل