lesson دراستي - Lesson 2: Have a good night

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حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل

Lesson 2: Have a good night

A. Write short answers to these questions about the article on page 63 of the Student's Book.

1. How much sleep should teenagers get per night?

Eight hours.

2. What can happen if you don't get enough sleep?

You can get hurt or get bad marks.

3. During what stage of sleep do you dream?

During the last stage of sleep.

4. What should you not do before going to sleep?

Ecercising or watching adventure films.

5. What do many teenagers find relaxing?

Drinking a glass of warm milk.

الكلام غير المباشر (Report Speech):

1. الجملة الخبرية:

هنا تكون الجملة منقولة عن شخص آخر قالها في الماضي، أي الزمن هنا يكون دائماً ماضي.

انتبه لما يلي:

  1. تحول جملة المضارع إلى جملة الماضي وجملة الماضي إلى جملة الماضي التام.
  2. تبدأ قبل القوس دائماً بكلمات. مثل tell أو say.
  3. يمكن ربط ما قبل القوس بما في داخل القوس بالأداة (that) أو الاستغناء عنها.
  4. المهم هنا تحويل الضمائر:




أي أن الضمير يختلف حسب المتكلم إذا كان مذكر أم مؤنث.

أما الضمير (you) فيتغير حسب المخاطب كما يلي:

إذا كان المخاطب (me):


أما إذا كان المخاطب مذكر أو مؤنث فيكون كما يلي:

grammar 2

لاحظ التطبيقات التالية: ينقل المضارع بصيغة الماضي والماضي بصيغة الماضي التام.

past perfect


1. Ali said "I am sick".

Ali said that he was sick.

2. Mum said to Bilal "It is time to get up".

Mum told Bilal that it was time to get up.

3. Mum said to me "you should eat more fruit".

Mum told me that I should eat more fruit.

Noora said to me "I bought a nice shirt"

Noora told me that she had bought a nice shirt.

ثانيا: الجملة الاستفهامية:

هنا تكون الجملة بصيغة سؤال، لاحظ أن السؤال نوعين: يبدأ بأداة سؤال (......what, where, when) او قد يبدأ بفعل مساعد (is, are, do, did).

وطبعاً يختلف الحل حسب نوع السؤال.

  1. 1said to→asked asked→asked
  2. إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بأداة سؤال فتكون أداة السؤال نفسها هي أداة ربط الجملة.
  3. تقدم الفاعل على الفعل المساعد في السؤال.
  4. يتحول الزمن المضارع إلى ماضي والماضي إلى ماضي تام.
  5. يكون تحويل الضمائر كما سبق.

1. Marwa said to me "What time is it?"

Marwa asked me what time it was.

2. Sara asked me "When will you arrive?"

Sara asked me when I would arrive.

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد فعندها تربط الجملة بالأداة If كما يلي:

She asked me "Are you OK?"

She asked me if I was OK.

Students said to me if Ahmed ill.

Students asked me if Ahmed was ill.

C. Report the statements below.

1. Is sleep really important for teenagers?

We asked Dr. Ansari if sleep was really important for teenagers.

2. I'm worried about many of the teenagers I see in my office.

Dr. Ansari said that he was worried about many of teenagers he saw in his office.

3. Many of the teenagers I see get bad marks because they are often tired.

Dr. Ansari told us that many of teenagers he saw got bad marks they were often tired.

E. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct reporting verbs from the box and write the correct forms of the verb in brackets.


  1. Last night, Dad said that we couldn't watch that TV programme. (not watch)
  2. Nisrin told me she wasn't hungry. (not be)
  3. I asked Fuad if he wanted to come to the beach with us. (want)
  4. The teacher told us to stand up if we didn't have our books. (not have)
  5. Sami told us he was thrilled by his trip to Egypt. (be)

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حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
