للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
Lesson 4: How/ Where/When
Adverbs and adverbials – الظروف وعبارات الظروف
تعطي الظروف وعبارات الظرف معلومات عن الفعل، إنها تخبرنا كيف how، أين where، متى when يحدث شيء ما، مثل:
We got here very quickly. (how-كيف)
الظروف هي كلمات مفردة single مثل: (quickly)
عبارات ظرف (adverbials) وتتكون من مجموعه كلمات مثل:
on foot, on Tuesday, by car, in a friendly way
We left on Tuesday. (when- متى)
Find 8 adverbs or adverbials in the text on page 68.
Word order – ترتيب الكلمة
تقسم الظروف الى ثلاث اقسام وهي:
- ظروف الزمان وتقسم الى قسمين: ظروف تعطي وقت محدد وظروف تعطي وقت غير محدد.
- ظروف الحال.
- ظروف المكان.
ملحوظة: في هذا الدرس يجب معرفة مواضع الظروف وترتيبها:
1. ظروف الزمان التي تعطي وقت غير محدد ويكون موقعها بين الفاعل والفعل الرئيسي وهي:
often, usually, sometimes, every, always
Ex: I sometimes go swimming.
أما الظروف التي تعطي وقت محدد ويكون موقعها، في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها هي:
- After school, on Sunday
- Ex: After school, I'm going to have a swim.
- I'm going to have a swim after school.
2. ظروف الحال مثل: slowly, quickly يكون موقعها بعد الفعل الرئيسي أو المفعول به غالباً ما تكون منتهية ب (ly) مثل:
- They walked slowly.
- They crossed the desert on foot.
3. ظروف المكان ويكون موقعها أيضاً بعد الفعل الرئيسي أو المفعول به مثل:
here, there, in the class, at school, to home, on the table, to
Ex: I give my homework to my teacher.
أما ترتيب هذه الظروف إذا أتت في الجملة الواحدة أكثر من ظرف فيكون حسب ما يلي:
الزمان + المكان + الحال (حمز)
Ex: My friend sang very well ( حال) at the concert (مكان) last night) (زمان)
تمرين (A) كتاب النشاط ص88. أكمل المقاطع، اختر الظروف الصحيحة من الصندوق.
A. Complete the paragraphs. Choose the correct adverbs from the box.
1. TV presenters have to speak loudly so that people can understand them clearly.
They should also try to say everything in an interesting way.
Another important thing is that they choose their words carefully so that they do not give any incorrect information.
2. On the telephone, you should usually speak easily so that the other person feels comfortable.
If the other person is speaking too fast, you can say politely, 'Could you speak more slowly, please?'
If they are speaking too quietly, you can say, ' I'm afraid I can't hear you. Could you speak up, please?'
تمرين (B) كتاب النشاط ص89. ضع هذه الكلمات والعبارات بترتيب لتكوين جمل.
B. Put these words and phrases in order to make sentences.
1. The children happily played in the garden all day.
The children played happily in the garden all day.
2. in our house read usually after dinner We quietly
We usually read quietly in our house after dinner.
3. I to the Emirates travelled in the holidays by bus.
I travelled by bus to the Emirates in the holidays.
4. last night played music My brother very loudly shouted and my father angrily at him.
My brother played music very loudly last night and my father shouted angrily at him.
5. Hisham patiently had to wait for a long time at the hospital.
Hisham had to wait patiently at the hospital for a long time.
6. people usually in London to work travel by underground who live.
People who live in London usually travel by underground to work.
7. carefully homework his after supper does Manaf.
Manaf does his homework carefully after supper.
8. starts usually 8 oclock finishes and Jood school at at 3 o'clock.
Jood usually starts school at 8 o'clock and finishes at 3 o'clock.
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل