lesson دراستي - Extra activities

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل

Extra activities

تمرين (A) ص18. كتاب النشاط. يسأل الناس أحياناً أسئلة عن أصدقائك، ضع هذه الكلمات بنظام لتكوين أسئلة.

A. People sometimes ask questions about your friends. Put these words in order to make questions.

1. his / colour / what /? / is / hair.

What colour is his hair?

2. he / does / where / live.

Where does he live?

3. does / wear / what / he /?

What does he wear?

4. ? / football / play / well / he / can

Can he play football well?

5. he /? / is / science / good / at / and / maths

Is he good at science and Maths?

تمرين (B) ص18. أجعل هذه الجمل أكثر أدباً.

B. Make these sentences more polite.

1. He's fat.

He's a bit fat.

2. He can't play football.

He can't play football very well.

3. He can't play volleyball.

He's not very good at volleyball.

4. He's unfriendly.

He's not very friendly.

تمرين (C) كتاب النشاط ص19. أكمل الجمل.

C. Complete the sentences.

words c

  1. I was waiting for my brother.
  2. I was listening to the radio and didn't know the time.
  3. I was playing on the computer and didn't hear the taxi come.
  4. I was looking for my shoes for twenty minutes.
  5. I was phoning my mother in hospital.

Five girls can't go out to the party. Why can't they go? What are they doing?

words c2

  1. I 'm doing my homework.
  2. I 'm looking for my brother.
  3. I 'm watching a good program on TV.
  4. I 'm cooking dinner because my mother is ill.
  5. I 'm painting a picture for the school competition.

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
