lesson دراستي - Lesson 10: Bob and Basim - the ants

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Lesson 10: Bob and Basim - the ants

Lesson 10 (SB) P: 56 – 57 (Bob and Basim – the ants)

(بوب وباسل - النمل) ص56-57. كتاب الطالب.



أسئلة وأجوبة الوحدة الخامسة (بوب وباسم – النمل) مهم جداً:

بوب وباسم النمل

1. Where were the boys going? إلى أين الأولاد ذاهبون
They are going for a walk in the mountains. الأولاد ذاهبون للتمشي في الجبال

2. How do you know Bob was still tired? كيف تعرف بأن بوب كان متعب
Because he yawned. لأنه تثاءب

3. What did Bob sit on? على ماذا جلس بوب
He sat on an anthill. جلس على تلة نمل

Lesson 10 (AB) P: 74 – 77

تمرين (B) ص75. هل الجمل التالية صحيحة أم خاطئة:

B. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The boys had to wake up before five o'clock. T
  2. Rod Border was the guide. F
  3. Everyone sang on the bus. F
  4. Everyone had cheese and tomato sandwiches for breakfast. F
  5. Bob was bitten by ants. T
  6. Bob never complains when bad things happen to him. F
  7. The other boys find it funny when bad things happen to Bob. T

تمرين (C) ص77. أكتب إنشاء عن استلام وإرسال الرسائل والمعلومات، إنشاء الوحدة الخامسة. مهم جداً:

C. Write about getting and sending messages and information.

getting and sending

  • In the past it was difficult to get and send messages and information, but nowadays we have computers, mobile phones and the internet, so it is very easy to do that.
  • It is easy to find out what is happening in your country and in other countries. We have satellites, the internet and the social media, so we can know about everything in a minute.
  • It is also easy to get special information, for example about a famous person. We can use Google and just write the topic that you want to know information about you can get it.
  • Most people like to know what their friends are doing, even if they live in another country. They can use their mobiles and even make a video call to speak with them and also to see them.

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