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حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل

Lesson 6: Jalal's story
(قصة جلال) ص21. كتاب الطالب.
Lesson 6 (SB) P: 21 (Jalal’s story)
Lesson 6 (AB) P: 24 – 26
تمرين (A) ص24-25. أجب عن الأسئلة التالية الخاصة بقطعة قصة جلال في كتاب الطالب ص21:
A. Answer these questions about Jalal's story on page 21 of your student's book.
1. a) Does Jalal enjoy playing with Ibrahim? No, he doesn't.
b) Which words tell you this? I want him to play by himself.
2. a) Did Ibrahim say he felt sick a few times or many times? Many times.
b) Which words tell you? He said again and again.
3. Did Jalal believe Ibrahim was sick? No, he didn't.
4. In line 18, what does that refer to? He didn't eat the crisps.
5. Where did Ibrahim have to go? To the hospital.
6. Did Ibrahim die? No, he didn't.
B. Choose and tick the best meaning of these words.
an hour or so
- one hour
- about an hour
- one hour or two hours
- what someone usually does
- what someone does sometimes
- what someone does not usually do
Jalal was surprised
- He was happy because something funny happened.
- He was angry because there was no time to think.
- He was shocked because something unexpected happened.
my fault
- something good.
- Something bad that happened because of me.
- Something new.
C. Use the table to write four sentences like this one:
My brother wants me to play with him.
- My friend wants me to go to the park.
- Our teacher wants us to work harder.
- My mother wants you to ride my bike more carefully.
- My father wants me to help him in the garden.
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
