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حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل

Lesson 10: Bob and Basim - the ice-creams
Lesson 10 (SB) P: 41 – 42 (Bob & Basim – the ice-cream)
(بوب وباسم - المثلجات) ص41-42. كتاب الطالب.
(أسئلة وأجوبة قطعة الوحدة الثانية) بوب وباسم - المثلجات (مهم جداً):
1. Where was the tennis competition held? اين أقيمت مباراة التنس
In Southport. في بلدة ساوثبورت
2. Why did Bob get an ice-cream? لماذا أراد بوب الحصول على المثلجات
Because it was very hot and he wanted to cool down. لأن الجو كان حار جداً وأراد أن ينتعش
3. How many ice-creams did Bob buy? كم عدد المثلجات التي اشتراها بوب
Five خمسة
Lesson 10 (AB) P: 47 – 52
تمرين (B) ص47. إقرأ التعاريف التالية وطابقهم مع الكلمات التي بالأسفل:
B. Read the definitions and match them to the words below.
a) something unexpected
b) stand in a line of people
c) where you play tennis
1 surprise a
2 court c
3 queue b
تمرين (B) ص49. أكمل الإنشاء التالي من الكلمات التي في الصندوق:
B. Complete the paragraph with the correct words from the box.
- Babil played Kirkuk in the final of the Iraqi Schools' competition.
- After 85 minutes, the score was Babil 0, Kirkuk 0.
- Then the ball came to Hasan. He kicked it past the Kirkuk goalkeeper.
- 'Babil 1, Kirkuk 0!' shouted Hasan. 'We've won the cup! We've beaten Kirkuk!'
- Unfortunately, Kirkuk scored two goals very quickly after that and Babil lost the game 1-2.
تمرين (C) ص49. أكتب الشكل الصحيح للأفعال التي بين الأقواس:
C. Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
- The first modern Olympic Games (take place) took place in 1896.
- One day Samir wants (compete) to compete in the Games.
- He (do) used to do athletics, but now he does judo.
- He (be) used to be in the beginners' class, but now he is in the advanced class.
- He (hate) used to hate sport, but now he likes it very much.
- He goes to the sports Centre every day because he enjoys (train) training.
تمرين (F) ص52. أكمل شجرة الكلمات:
F. Fill in this word tree.
- The opposite of 'beginners'. advanced
- At the end of the game the ... was Kirkuk 2, Babil 1. score
- The last game in a competition. final
- The opposite of 'win'. lose
- It comes after 'first'. second
- The .. Game take place every four years. olympic
- The opposite of 'lose to'. beat
- You have to run fast in the 100 metres ... race
- Athleters win a ... if they come first, second or third. medal
- A point in football. goal
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق دراستي من متجر جوجل
