حلول الأسئلة
Read and complete this conversation with words from the table.
Ahmed: Salman, can you lend me your camera, please? We have a class project and my teacher wants me to take photos of wildlife.
(Salman gives Ahmed his camera).
Salman: Yes, you can borrow my camera, but carry it in its case. Then it won't get broken if you drop it .
Ahmed: You needn't worry, Salman. I 'll use the case.
Salman: I'll need it back on Thursday evening. My aunt and uncle from Saudi Arabia and their children will be visiting us on Friday.
My mother doesn’t see her brother very often and she wants me to take photos of the whole family.
Ahmed: Don’t worry. I'll bring it back on Thursday.
مشاركة الحل
Lesson 5: The fastest living things
كتاب الطالب ص31. ماذا تعني هذه الكلمات.
What do these words mean?
dive (v.) = plunge يغوص
necessity (n.) = requirement ضرورة
government (n.) = the governing body of a nation or state حكومة
area (n.) = space \ region مساحه
environment (n.) = climate \ medium \ eco بيئة
أسئلة قطع الكتاب الخاصة بالوحدة الثالثة – وزاري:
Write answers to these questions
1. What are the fastest things in the natural world? ما هي أسرع الأشياء في العالم
The falcons.
2. How fast can falcons dive? كم هي سرعة هبوط الصقور
Some falcons can dive at 240 kph.
3. Who are the Bedouin? من هم البدو
The people from the deserts of Arabia.
4. Why did the Bedouin live mostly on dates,milk and bread? لماذا يعيش البدو على التمور، الحليب والخبز
Because it was difficult to catch animals and birds.
5. What was the favorite bird for the Bedouin to catch? ما هو الطير المفضل لدى البدو
The large long-legged houbara.
6. How did the Bedouin use to hunt? كيف أعتاد البدو على الصيد
The Bedouin used to hunt on camels.
7. Where are many falconry hunting nowadays? أين يتم اصطياد الصقور هذه الأيام
In the desert and valleys of Muthanna,Samarra and Dhiqar in Iraq.
8. What is the disadvantage of falconry sport? ما هي السلبية في رياضة تربية الصقور
Too many rare birds might be killed.
9. What did the government do to protect birds? ماذا فعلت الحكومة لحماية الطيور
The government has set up protected and safe areas for birds.
10- What is the result of government measures to protect birds? ما هي النتيجة من حماية الطيور
Wildlife numbers have gone up and the environment is richer.
تمرين (A) كتاب الطالب ص40. هل هذه الجمل حول النص صحيحة أم خطأ.
A. Are these sentences about the text true (T) or false (F)?
- Falcons can move faster than any other living things. (T)
- Before falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat. (F)
- The Bedouin enjoyed the food that falcons caught for them. (T)
- Falconry used to be just a sport. (F)
- There would soon be no rare birds because of falconry. (T)
تمرين (B) ص40. تأمل الشرح. ثم اختر أفضل الإجابات لإكمال الجمل.
B. Study the explanation. Then choose the best answers to complete.
1. Paragraph 1: The writer thinks that flacons are ......to watch.
- interesting.
- exciting.
- frightening.
2. Paragraph 2: The Bedouin were ..... with there diet before falconry.
- happy.
- unhappy.
- pleased.
3. Paragraph 3: Falconry today is:
- more exciting.
- more comfortable.
- less exciting, but more comfortable.
تمرين (C) كتاب النشاط ص41. تأمل هذا الاقتباس من النص عن الصيد بواسطة الصقور ثم أكمل الجمل أدناه.
C. Study this extract from the text about falconry and complete the sentences below.
The Bedouin lived mostly on dates, milk and bread because it was difficult to catch animals and birds.
Then they learned how to catch falcons.
Soon, the Bedouin were eating their falcons caught for them.
- they is the subject of the sentences. It stands in place of the Bedouin.
- them is the object of the sentence. It stands in place of the Bedouin.
- their is a possessive; it stands in place of they-the Bedouin.
Now complete this table.
possessive adjective | object pronoun | subject pronoun |
my | me | I |
your | you | you |
his | him | he |
her | her | she |
its | it | it |
our | us | we |
their | them | they |
تمرين (D) كتاب النشاط ص42. إقرأ ثم أكمل هذه المحادثة بكلمات من الجدول.
D. Read and complete this conversation with words from the table.
Ahmed: Salman, can you lend me your camera, please? We have a class project and my teacher wants me to take photos of wildlife.
(Salman gives Ahmed his camera).
Salman: Yes, you can borrow my camera, but carry it in its case. Then it won't get broken if you drop it.
Ahmed: You needn't worry, Salman. I'll use the case.
Salman: I'll need it back on Thursday evening. My aunt and uncle from Saudi Arabia and their children will be visiting us on Friday.
My mother doesn’t see her brother very often and she wants me to take photos of the whole family.
Ahmed: Don’t worry. I'll bring it back on Thursday.