حلول الأسئلة


Find the odd one out. Circle the word.


Where have you been

مشاركة الحل

?Lesson 10: Where have you been

Lesson 10 (SB) P: 43 (Where have you been?)

(أين كنت؟) ص 43. كتاب الطالب.


Where have you been

Lesson 10 (AB) P: 67 – 68

تمرين (A) ص 67. جد الكلمة الغريبة وضعها داخل دائرة:

A. Find the odd one out. Circle the word.

Where have you been

تمرين (C)ص67. أكتب التصريف الثالث للأفعال التالية في شجرة الكلمات:

C. Write the past participles of the verbs in the word tree.

  1. SWEEP swept
  2. EAT eaten
  3. TAKE taken
  4. RIDE ridden
  5. LOSE lost
  6. WRITE written
  7. HEAR heard
  8. SEE seen

مشاركة الدرس


Find the odd one out. Circle the word.


Where have you been

?Lesson 10: Where have you been

Lesson 10 (SB) P: 43 (Where have you been?)

(أين كنت؟) ص 43. كتاب الطالب.


Where have you been

Lesson 10 (AB) P: 67 – 68

تمرين (A) ص 67. جد الكلمة الغريبة وضعها داخل دائرة:

A. Find the odd one out. Circle the word.

Where have you been

تمرين (C)ص67. أكتب التصريف الثالث للأفعال التالية في شجرة الكلمات:

C. Write the past participles of the verbs in the word tree.

  1. SWEEP swept
  2. EAT eaten
  3. TAKE taken
  4. RIDE ridden
  5. LOSE lost
  6. WRITE written
  7. HEAR heard
  8. SEE seen