حلول الأسئلة


Read pages 36 and 37 of your Student's Book and complete the sentences. Where do they come from?



  1. The oranges come from Lebanon .
  2. The apples come from France .
  3. The tea comes from India .

مشاركة الحل

Lesson 2: Big Bill

Lesson 2 (SB) P: 36 (Big Bill)

(بيل الكبير) ص36. كتاب الطالب.



Lesson 2 (AB) P: 54 – 55

تمرين (A) ص54. إقرأ صفحة 36 و37 من كتاب الطالب وأكمل الجمل التالية:

A. Read pages 36 and 37 of your Student's Book and complete the sentences.

Where do they come from?

  1. The oranges come from Lebanon.
  2. The apples come from France.
  3. The tea comes from India.

مشاركة الدرس


Read pages 36 and 37 of your Student's Book and complete the sentences. Where do they come from?



  1. The oranges come from Lebanon .
  2. The apples come from France .
  3. The tea comes from India .

Lesson 2: Big Bill

Lesson 2 (SB) P: 36 (Big Bill)

(بيل الكبير) ص36. كتاب الطالب.



Lesson 2 (AB) P: 54 – 55

تمرين (A) ص54. إقرأ صفحة 36 و37 من كتاب الطالب وأكمل الجمل التالية:

A. Read pages 36 and 37 of your Student's Book and complete the sentences.

Where do they come from?

  1. The oranges come from Lebanon.
  2. The apples come from France.
  3. The tea comes from India.