حلول الأسئلة
Look at page 15 of your Student's Book and answer these questions.
- Which month has the shortest name? May.
- Which month has the longest name? September.
- When does it rain in England? April, July, November and December.
- When is it sunny? May, June, July and August.
- When does it rain in Iraq? November, December, January and February.
مشاركة الحل
Lesson 3: The months of the year
Lesson 3 (SB) P: 15 (The months of the year)
(أشهر السنة) ص 15. كتاب الطالب.
1. نستخدم الفارزة عند تعداد أشياء معينة.
2. توضع الفارزة بين الكلمات التي نعددها ما عدا الكلمة الأخيرة نضع قبلها كلمة (and):
Ex: I go to school on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Ex: I bought a bag, pen, rubber and a book.
Ex: Salim played tennis, football, basketball and volleyball.
أولاً (المقارنة/ comparative): نستخدم صيغة المقارنة لنقارن بين شخصين أو شيئين بصفة يختلفان فيها:
1. لتحويل الصفة إلى صيغة مقارنة نضيف (er) للصفة:
Ex: old → older / small → smaller.
Ex: Ali is older than Salim.
Ex: This door is smaller than the other door.
2. إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علّة نكرر الحرف الأخير ونضيف (er):
Ex: hot → hotter / big → bigger.
Ex: The weather in Iraq is hotter than the weather in Turkey.
Ex: Ali is bigger than Mohammed.
3- إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بالحرف (e) نضيف فقط حرف (r):
Ex: large → larger.
Ex: Iraq is larger than Kuwait.
4- إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بالحرف (y) وقبله حرف صحيح يقلب إلى (i) ونضيف (er):
Ex: funny → funnier / lazy → lazier.
Ex: Suha is funnier than Nesreen.
Ex: Layla is lazier than Fatima.
5- هنالك صفات شاذة مثل:
Ex: good → better / bad → worse / many → more / much → more.
Ex: Real Madrid is better than Barcelona.
Ex: This car is worse than that one.
Ex: I have money more than you.
6- إذا كانت الصفة أكثر من مقطع نضيف قبلها كلمة (more):
Ex: boring → more boring / fantastic → more fantastic / beautiful → more beautiful.
Ex: Basketball is more boring than football.
Ex: Football is more fantastic than tennis.
Ex: Ali’s car is more beautiful than Salim’s car.
ثانياً (التفضيل / superlative): نستخدم صيغة التفضيل لتمييز شخص معين أو شيء معين بين عدة أشخاص أو عدة أشياء:
1. لتحويل الصفة إلى صيغة تفضيل نضيف (est) للصفة:
Ex: old → oldest / small → smallest.
Ex: Ahmad is the oldest in the class.
Ex: She is the smallest in her class.
2- إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بحرف صحيح وقبله حرف علّة نكرر الحرف الأخير ونضيف (est):
Ex: hot → hottest / big → biggest.
Ex: August is the hottest month in Iraq.
Ex: This building is the biggest.
3- إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بالحرف (e) نضيف فقط (st):
Ex: large → largest.
Ex: Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the middle east.
4- إذا كانت الصفة تنتهي بالحرف (y) وقبله حرف صحيح يقلب إلى (i) ونضيف (est):
Ex: funny → funniest / lazy → laziest.
Ex: You are the funniest person in the family.
Ex: John is the laziest student in the class.
5- هنالك صفات شاذة مثل:
Ex: good → best / bad → worst / many → most / much → most.
Ex: You are the best friend I have ever known.
Ex: You are the worst person I have ever known.
Ex: Bugatti is the most valuable car in the world.
6- إذا كانت الصفة أكثر من مقطع نضيف قبلها كلمة (most):
Ex: boring → most boring / fantastic → most fantastic / beautiful → most beautiful.
Ex: This is the most boring film I have ever seen.
Ex: Football is the most fantastic sport in the world.
Ex: Switzerland is the most beautiful country in the world.
Lesson 3 (AB) P: 19
تمرين ص 19. انظر إلى ص15 في كتاب الطالب وأجب عن الأسئلة التالية:
Look at page 15 of your Student's Book and answer these questions.
- Which month has the shortest name? May.
- Which month has the longest name? September.
- When does it rain in England? April, July, November and December.
- When is it sunny? May, June, July and August.
- When does it rain in Iraq? November, December, January and February.