حلول الأسئلة
Write these headlines as full sentences.
1. 'Not my fault,' driver said
"It was not my fault," the driver said.
2. Race stopped by bad weather
The race was stopped by the bad weather.
3. Two killed in hotel fire.
Two people were killed in a hotel fire.
مشاركة الحل
Lesson 9: Round up
Lesson 9 (AB) P: 100 – 102
تمرين (A) ص100. أكتب الأحرف المفقودة في الكلمات التالية:
A. Write the missing letters in these words:
- pollution
- education
- disappear
- coat
- coast
- coal
- truck
- Earth
تمرين (B) ص101. أكتب الكلمة المعاكسة للكلمات التالية:
B. Write opposites.
- agree disagree
- appear disappear
- male female
- adult child
تمرين (C) ص101. أكمل الجمل التالية مستخدماً الكلمات التي في الصندوق:
C. Complete the sentences below using words from the box.
- Some African children are too poor to get any education.
- If the ice caps melt, the sea level will rise.
- Tigers are hunted for their fur.
- Litter on the streets looks terrible.
- Leaving all the lights on is very wasteful.
- Nets are used to catch fish.
- The moving desert is harmful for the environment and people of Iraq.
تمرين (D) ص101. حول العناوين التالية إلى جمل:
D. Write these headlines as full sentences.
1. 'Not my fault,' driver said
"It was not my fault," the driver said.
2. Race stopped by bad weather
The race was stopped by the bad weather.
3. Two killed in hotel fire.
Two people were killed in a hotel fire.
تمرين (E) ص102. إقرأ وأكمل الجمل التالية ب (should) أو (must):
E. Read and complete these sentences with should or must.
- People who need glasses must have an eye test.
- We should all eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. It is good for us.
- People should stop and think before they drop litter.
- A mechanic must know how to repair a car.