حلول الأسئلة


Choose words from the boxes to complete these limericks.


 words 1

  • There was a young boy from Kuwait .
  • Who got to school every day late .
  • When his teacher asked ' why '?
  • He replied with a cry ,
  • My clock always wakes me at eight .


مشاركة الحل

Lesson 8: Project - limericks

Lesson 8 (SB) P: 24 (Project lesson – limericks)

(القصيدة الفكاهية الخماسية) ص24. كتاب الطالب.



Lesson 8 (AB) P: 27 – 28

تمرين ص27-28. اختر الكلمات من الصندوق لتكمل القصيدة الخماسية الفكاهية:

Choose words from the boxes to complete these limericks.

1 words 1

  • There was a young boy from Kuwait.
  • Who got to school every day late.
  • When his teacher asked 'why'?
  • He replied with a cry,
  • My clock always wakes me at eight.

2 words 2

  • There was an old man from Jaipur.
  • Whose house had a green and blue door.
  • I said, 'I like white.'
  • He said, 'That's all right.
  • But I think that white is a bore.'

مشاركة الدرس


Choose words from the boxes to complete these limericks.


 words 1

  • There was a young boy from Kuwait .
  • Who got to school every day late .
  • When his teacher asked ' why '?
  • He replied with a cry ,
  • My clock always wakes me at eight .


Lesson 8: Project - limericks

Lesson 8 (SB) P: 24 (Project lesson – limericks)

(القصيدة الفكاهية الخماسية) ص24. كتاب الطالب.



Lesson 8 (AB) P: 27 – 28

تمرين ص27-28. اختر الكلمات من الصندوق لتكمل القصيدة الخماسية الفكاهية:

Choose words from the boxes to complete these limericks.

1 words 1

  • There was a young boy from Kuwait.
  • Who got to school every day late.
  • When his teacher asked 'why'?
  • He replied with a cry,
  • My clock always wakes me at eight.

2 words 2

  • There was an old man from Jaipur.
  • Whose house had a green and blue door.
  • I said, 'I like white.'
  • He said, 'That's all right.
  • But I think that white is a bore.'